There are lots of ways you can help us to conserve the Sir Samuel Kelly Lifeboat and keep alive the story of her courageous crew.

Inclusivity and equality of opportunity are important to us. For insurance purposes, it is vital that all our volunteers are 18+ but we welcome adults of all ages and abilities.

We will truly appreciate your time, skills and hard work.

Please contact us to get started.

Get Involved

Work on the lifeboat

We always have filling and sanding to do. Your work would be done under the guidance of our expert contractor. Of course we will issue you with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Tell our story

We'll give you all the info and training you need if you'd like to run open days and conduct tours. Your help will also be appreciated if you are good at making people feel welcome.

Help behind the scenes

We need help to scan and catalogue our growing archive of photos and other assets. Do you have social media or other back office skills that could help us make the most of what we have? we always need help setting up or dismantling pop-up exhibitions; or writing grants and running events to help us raise funds.

Become a Member

Becoming a member of the Donaghadee Heritage Preservation Company is a great way to help us and get involved. We have members from as far away as Canada and Australia, and from all over Ireland. The company is its members: you will shape what we do. Our members appoint the directors of the company and hold them to account at the annual general meeting in March, when share our annual report and accounts. Only people who are members can stand for appointment as Directors.


Becoming a member is straightforward. We ask you to fill in a short application form and invest £10.  The board approves applications at its monthly meeting. Subscriptions need to be renewed each year from 1 April. To apply, please email and put MEMBERSHIP  in the subject line. Thank you.

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